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The Ideal Time for Tuckpointing Your House

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The Ideal Time for Tuckpointing Your House
You may have noticed some wear and tear on your brickwork’s mortar joints, such as cracking or crumbling, and you’re unsure when you last had any maintenance done. So, when is the ideal time for tuckpointing your house?
This guide will help you determine the best time for tuckpointing.

How Often Should I Schedule Tuckpointing?

Tuckpointing should generally be performed every 10 to 15 years for bricks and masonry. Although bricks can last a century or more, the mortar between them is more vulnerable to damage. Regularly maintaining your mortar will also extend your bricks’ lifespan, as it prevents moisture buildup inside the bricks.


Which Season is Best for Tuckpointing your house?

The optimal season for tuckpointing is when temperatures range between 40 and 90 degrees. Ideally, these conditions should persist for at least 24 hours before the project starts and 72 hours after the work is completed. This ensures that the mortar cures properly. Autumn typically offers the most suitable conditions.

However, if you notice urgent tuckpointing needs, it can be done in cooler temperatures, provided the mortar is treated correctly and protected during the curing process. Tuckpointing is not generally recommended during summer due to high humidity, and spring tends to bring rain.For chimney tuckpointing, the best time is when the chimney is not in use, either right before or after winter.


What About Weather Conditions?

While optimal temperatures can also occur in spring, autumn has more predictable weather patterns. Precipitation and moisture are detrimental to tuckpointing, as mortar needs to be kept dry and at the right temperature while curing. With spring and summer often bringing rain and winter causing snow, autumn remains the most suitable season for masonry work.
Key Takeaways Tuckpointing is crucial for maintaining masonry structures. Keep the following points in mind:

  • Schedule the work for every 10 to 15 years or more frequently if required.
  • Aim to perform tuckpointing when temperatures are between 40 and 90 degrees.
  • Avoid rain and snow to ensure proper mortar curing.

With these factors in mind, you can confidently schedule an appointment to have your brickwork maintained and looking sharp through tuckpointing!

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