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What is the Best Tortoise to Have as a Pet?

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What is the Best Tortoise to Have as a pet

Tortoises are fascinating creatures that can live for decades and have unique personalities. However, with so many species to choose from, it’s challenging to determine which tortoise for sale is the best fit for you.

Are you looking for a larger tortoise that can thrive outdoors in warmer climates? Or do you want a smaller species that can comfortably live indoors? This article will explore the five best tortoise species to have as a pet.

So get ready to find your perfect pet tortoise today!

Popular Tortoise Breeds to Have as a Pet

There are several popular tortoise breeds to choose from, each with its unique characteristics. Here are five of the most common:

  • Sulcata Tortoise
  • Russian Tortoise
  • Leopard Tortoise
  • Greek Tortoise
  • Hermann’s Tortoise

Let’s jump into the details of these breeds.

1. Sulcata Tortoise

The Sulcata Tortoise, also known as the African spurred tortoise, is one of the largest tortoise breeds. They grow up to 30 inches long and weigh over 100 pounds.

Furthermore, you should know that these tortoises are herbivores and thus need a diet rich in fiber and calcium.

Regarding their lifespan, Sulcata can live for up to 70 years. So they require a long-term commitment. If you are considering buying this tortoise, ensure you have enough space to accommodate its size.

2. Russian Tortoise

The Russian Tortoise is a small tortoise breed that grows 8-10 inches long and weighs 2-3 pounds. They are native to Central Asia and are herbivores.

In addition, Russian breeds of tortoises have a lifespan of up to 40 years. Remember, these are a popular choice for first-time tortoise owners due to their manageable size.

3. Leopard Tortoise

The Leopard Tortoise is a medium-sized tortoise breed that can grow 18-24 inches long and weigh up to 40 pounds. They are native to eastern and southern Africa and are herbivores.

Moreover, these tortoises have a lifespan between 80 and 100 years and are known for their distinctive shell markings.

4. Greek Tortoise

When searching for the best tortoise for sale to have as a pet, Greek Tortoise is one of the leading options to consider. Greek Tortoises are native to Greece and other parts of the Mediterranean. And they require a spacious outdoor enclosure with plenty of hiding places.

What’s more, they’re small in size, friendly, and have docile personalities. Above all, they’re low-maintenance and easy to care for, making them perfect for busy pet owners.

5. Hermann’s Tortoise

Lastly, Hermann’s tortoise is a small and friendly breed that makes an excellent pet for beginners. They love to burrow, making them perfect for indoor and outdoor living.

Additionally, these tortoises require a spacious enclosure with soil, substrate, and hiding places to feel safe and secure.


Tortoises can make fantastic pets, but choosing the right breed for your lifestyle is essential. The five tortoises discussed above are some of the most common yet best species to have as pets.

However, providing proper care is essential to ensure they stay healthy and happy. When looking for a tortoise, research the breed’s specific needs and find a reputable breeder or rescue organization.

With proper care, your tortoise can be a beloved member of your family for many years.

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Salman Ahmad is a seasoned writer for CTN News, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the platform. With a knack for concise yet impactful storytelling, he crafts articles that captivate readers and provide valuable insights. Ahmad's writing style strikes a balance between casual and professional, making complex topics accessible without compromising depth.

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