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Customer Engagement Activities for Your Grocery Store

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Customer Engagement Activities for Your Grocery Store

Are you tired of your grocery store feeling like a dull, lifeless place? Do you want to create a fun, engaging shopping experience that keeps your customers coming back for more? Look no further! In this blog, we’ll explore some customer engagement activities that will add a touch of excitement to your grocery store.

Setting up sample stations

Who doesn’t love free samples? Set up stations throughout your store featuring new and exciting products. Not only will this allow your customers to try before they buy, but it will also create a buzz around your store. To make it even more fun, have a “guess the ingredient” contest where customers can win a prize if they correctly identify the mystery ingredient in one of your sample dishes.


Bingo isn’t just for your grandma’s retirement home. Create your own grocery store bingo game by creating a card filled with common items found in your store. Customers can fill out their cards as they shop, and the first one to get a bingo wins a prize. This activity will keep your customers engaged and excited as they search for items they might not have normally considered buying.

Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is always a fun way to keep customers engaged and excited while shopping. Create a list of items for customers to find throughout your store. The first person to find all the items on the list wins a prize. This activity is especially fun for families with children, who will enjoy the challenge of searching for hidden items.

Customer Recipe Contest

Everyone has a favourite recipe, so why not showcase your customers’ culinary skills by hosting a recipe contest? Ask customers to submit their favourite recipes using ingredients found in your store. Select a winner and display their recipe in your store.

Create a loyalty program for your grocery store

Let’s start with a classic – loyalty programs. Everyone loves rewards, and what better way to show your customers that you appreciate them than by offering loyalty rewards? You can use a grocery store pos system to organize loyalty programs and manage reward points, customers can earn points for every purchase they make, and those points can be redeemed for discounts, free items, or even cashback. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love saving some money while they shop?

Social media contests

Who says social media is just for selfies and cat videos? You can use it to engage with your customers and promote your grocery store too! Host social media contests that require customers to take pictures or videos while shopping at your store. Ask them to post on social media with a specific hashtag, and you’ll get free promotion while your customers have fun and potentially win some prizes.

Ask for feedback

Customers love feeling like their opinions matter, so don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. You could create a suggestion box, send out surveys, or even just ask customers for their thoughts at the checkout. Not only will this help you improve your store, but it also shows that you value your customers’ opinions.

Incorporate a personal touch

You could greet customers by name when they come in, offer personalised recommendations based on their past purchases, or even write a personal thank you note on their receipt. These little gestures go a long way in making your customers feel appreciated and valued.

Surprises and delights

Finally, don’t forget to surprise and delight your customers! Offer unexpected treats, like a free cookie or a small gift, to make their shopping experience even more enjoyable. You’ll be amazed at how much a small gesture can go a long way in building customer loyalty.

Now, we have covered the best customer engagement activities that you can use to make your shopping experience more enjoyable and memorable. But, there’s one more thing that can take your store to success- using Hana Retail as your point of sale system.

With Hana Retail, you’ll have a reliable and user-friendly pos retail system that can handle everything from inventory management to customer loyalty programs. You’ll be able to track your sales and inventory in real time, which means you’ll never have to worry about running out of your customers’ favourite products. And what more?

You get a cloud-based cash register to save your customers’ data every time they shop so that you can offer personalised recommendations. Sign up for FREE today!


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