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Understanding the Basics of Shared Hosting

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Shared Hosting

Creating a website is easier and there are many website builder tools available. One way to build a website is through a PHP framework for which Linux shared hosting is feasible. A reliable shared hosting infrastructure offers robust IT resources like bandwidth, SSD NVMe storage, and others. Many popular web hosting services Dubai like MilesWeb also offer free trial periods.

Web hosting companies have different hosting options like shared hosting, cheap vps hosting, WordPress hosting, and others. It leads to confusion due to a plethora of options. For beginners, it is recommended to choose shared hosting services. Let’s understand the basics of shared hosting below in this article.

Shared Hosting

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting, also known as virtual hosting, is a web hosting service that allows multiple websites to share a single physical server. Each user gets a section of the server to host their website files, and the server’s resources are allocated to its many users.

Shared hosting is a popular choice for people who are building their first website. It’s easy to manage, as it usually comes with a built-in cPanel, and the server’s resources are allocated to its many users.

Shared Hosting

Advantages of Shared Hosting

Now that you have understood what shared hosting is, let’s discuss some of its benefits that will educate users.


Shared web hosting service is the cheapest web hosting option because of its server maintenance cost. Also, server resources are shared among clients using the resources. Hence, the overall billing cost is reduced.


Because shared hosting services are beginner-friendly, they often come with features like built-in control panels, website builders, and email hosting.

No Technical Expertise Required

If you have chosen managed shared hosting, there is no external technical expertise required to manage server resources. The web host looks after all kinds of technical aspects like server monitoring, security updates, and more.

Shared Hosting

Core Features of Shared Hosting Services

Shared hosting services allow multiple websites to share a single server, with each website using a portion of the server’s resources. Here are some features that shared hosting services may offer:

  • User-friendly interface: An intuitive control panel that makes it easy to manage websites
  • Security: Features like firewalls, SSL certificates, file backups, and regular software updates to protect sites from cyber attacks
  • Technical support: 24/7 customer support from a reputable web hosting company
  • Uptime: A good uptime percentage should be 99.5% or higher
  • Backups: A platform for controlling all aspects of a hosting service, like cPanel, that helps generate and save copies of data
  • 24/7 support: A hosting provider that takes care of a website 24/7
  • Traffic analysis: Software that tracks the number of visitors on individual web pages over a period of time
  • Scalability: The ability to upgrade to a larger plan as a website grows, and downgrade to a smaller plan when needed

Shared Hosting

When Not to Use Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting services might not be suitable for you in the following cases.

  • Unique Framework Requirements: If your website relies on custom or specialized software that is not compatible with the standard shared hosting server configurations, then you need to upgrade. You may upgrade to VPS hosting, or dedicated hosting services which offer more customization. These plans require more knowledge and systems administration experience but will let you customize the server exactly to your needs.
  • Full Server Control: WordPress can be installed or basic coding like HTML can be applied with a cPanel Shared Hosting account without root access. You have fewer options when it comes to server settings and configurations with Shared Hosting. You may want to consider a VPS or dedicated hosting plan if you need full control over your server environment.

Summing Up

Shared hosting is the cost-effective and user-friendly option and is a perfect springboard for beginners and small businesses. Now that you’re armed with this knowledge, you can confidently explore different shared hosting providers and choose the one that best suits your needs. Remember, shared hosting offers a great balance between affordability and functionality, making it an excellent choice to kickstart your online presence.

For further exploration, consider researching more advanced hosting options like VPS (Virtual Private Server) or dedicated hosting. These cater to websites with higher traffic volumes or those requiring more control over server resources. But for now, focus on leveraging the power of shared hosting to bring your website to life!

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