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Drunk Driver Hits and Kills Police Officer at Road Checkpoint

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Drunk Driver kills policeman

A drunk driver with three times the legal alcohol limit in his system killed a police officer after colliding with him while attempting to pass through a police checkpoint in Chon Buri, Thailand.

Pol Sen Sgt Maj Thanakorn Intharasuwan died of his injuries shortly after being struck by the drunk driver in a white MG sedan with Bangkok license plates around 10.30 p.m., authorities told Thai news media.

Emergency responders tried chest compressions for more than 20 minutes but were unable to revive the cop. He was pronounced dead before being transported to the hospital.

Witnesses reported finding pieces of the officer’s light baton and equipment up to 100 yards away from the traffic checkpoint he was operating.

Drunk Driver kills policeman

The drunk driver, named only as Mr Thanasak, was apparently intoxicated at the time of the event.

The driver, who couldn’t answer any questions at the scene, was tested and found to have 153 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood in his system. The legal limit is 50 milligrams. Inebriated, he was transported to the Don Hua Lo police station for legal proceedings.

The driver was eventually identified as a 30-year-old programmer who works for a company in Amata Nakhon Industrial Estate. His wife was contacted to confirm the incidence and provide additional details.

Thailand has a significant drunk driving problem that claims many lives each year. Alcohol-impaired drivers routinely get behind the wheel, violating traffic laws and endangering their own and others’ lives.

Despite strong penalties, drunk driving continues due to insufficient enforcement and societal attitudes that normalize excessive drinking. Alcohol-related crashes increase during the holidays when people drive home after celebrating.

Tragedies happen when drunk drivers lose control and collide with other cars, pedestrians, or roadside objects.

The problem persists throughout Thailand, necessitating stricter laws, public awareness efforts, and a cultural shift away from drunk driving in order to prevent future unnecessary deaths on the country’s roadways.

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