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4 Strategies for Overcoming Substance Abuse and Reclaiming Your Life

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4 Strategies for Overcoming Substance Abuse and Reclaiming Your Life

There are a multitude of substances that can make life more social and enjoyable, less painful and stressful. They can lift the quality of life for millions of people when used as directed for their intended purpose. But if abused, they can lead to a downward spiral that can consume you and your life.

Caffeine, alcohol, cannabis, hallucinogens, anti-anxiety medications, sleeping pills and sedatives, opioids, and inhalants are often used and abused. It’s all a matter of degree. On the one hand, they can be relatively harmless or beneficial. On the other, they can be crippling or even deadly.

If you have found yourself being controlled by substances, you aren’t alone. More and more people at younger and younger ages are finding themselves in trouble. But regardless of who you are, substance abuse will destroy your life unless you overcome it.

The road to recovery won’t be easy, but there is a path if you’re ready for the journey. Here are four strategies you can use to overcome substance abuse and reclaim your life.

1. Treat the Mind and Body

One of the first steps you need to take is to acknowledge that substance abuse isn’t just a physical issue. Whether mental health issues led to abusing alcohol or drugs or the abuse led to mental health issues doesn’t matter. What does is that you embrace the healing of both mind and body to successfully overcome abuse.

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions that co-occur with substance abuse. It can either be at the heart of why you abuse or develop once you begin experiencing the destruction of abuse. There are many types of depression, including those related to bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, and seasonal, anxiety, and major depressive disorders.

If you want to reclaim your life, consider making rehab for mental health part of your substance abuse recovery plan. Whether you commit to it as an outpatient or inpatient, it will help you deal with a critical component of the abuse cycle. Mind over body may be the secret to your success.

2. Build a Support Network

Perhaps one of the best ways to get your life back in order is by surrounding yourself with the right people. Of course, you have to be the one who works to overcome your substance abuse disorder. But you do not have to do it alone, and you shouldn’t.

The key to choosing who you ask for support is inviting those who want you to abstain from drugs and alcohol. Moreover, you need to avoid spending time with people who encourage your continued abuse of them. While the latter can be extremely difficult, it’s necessary if you’re going to succeed.

Build a broad network of those you trust and respect, including prevention and therapy providers, family members, friends, and co-workers. Peers in group therapy or in valuable 12-step programs can also bolster your progress. Your social circles likely contributed to your abuse. Use the right circles to help you rise above it.

3. Plan for Relapse

The road to recovery is filled with opportunities to take a wrong turn. Even after you’ve been clean and sober for years, one small indiscretion can cause you to relapse. Although you don’t want to dwell on a constant fear of moving backward, you should plan for what you’ll do if it happens.

Some 40% to 60% of people undergoing substance abuse treatment will relapse. While you want to avoid it, it can present an opportunity to find better coping strategies and life skills. Relapse can also cause feelings of shame at the frustration you’ve created for yourself and others. In turn, relapse can strengthen your commitment to getting clean.

When you’re fighting substance abuse, you’re fighting physical or psychological addiction, as well as mental health issues. Even the fiercest warriors lose ground at some point during their battles. Resolving to get back into the fight with everything you have is how you demonstrate strength.

4. Replace Bad Habits With Good Ones

Substance abuse costs time and money. When you’re working to recover from it, you will have more time and money on your hands. Use both wisely to your advantage.

Explore new hobbies that will keep your schedule and your hands busy. If you benefit from the buddy system when it comes to accountability, find people who share your interests. While you’re altering your life, carve out abundant time for self-care, whether that means exercise, meditation, or regular massages.

By throwing your energy and resources into good habits, you’ll be less likely to fall back into bad ones. During recovery, you’ll be learning a lot about yourself. Take time to learn about other hobbies and activities that will help you get back into life again.

Get Back to a Better Life

It can be easy to give up on living a good life if you’re looking in the wrong places. Don’t focus on the ruined relationships, financial consequences, or lost opportunities in your wake. Instead, look for strategies you can use to put your house and your life back in order.

Recovering from a substance abuse disorder and reclaiming your life isn’t a walk in the park. But stay on the right path and that walk will be worth the effort.

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Salman Ahmad is a seasoned writer for CTN News, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the platform. With a knack for concise yet impactful storytelling, he crafts articles that captivate readers and provide valuable insights. Ahmad's writing style strikes a balance between casual and professional, making complex topics accessible without compromising depth.

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