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Tsinghua University in China believes it has created a quantum-based algorithm capable of breaking today’s most complex encryption standards. The team believes that the algorithm can work using today’s quantum technology as well. If correct, today’s encryption could become obsolete in a few years.

Long Guili , a professor at Tsinghua University, and his colleagues claim to have created a novel qubit-efficient factorization algorithm that could cause future problems for cryptographic security standards.

This approach, called sub-linear integer quantum factorization ( SQIF ), claims to optimize the quantum computing process by reducing the number of qubits needed to perform code-breaking operations. The algorithm was developed in 2013 by German researcher Claus Schnorr .

What does this mean for people who are not well versed in quantum computing? If this technique is successful It could potentially reduce the likelihood of breaking today’s strongest encryption with currently available quantum technology faster than initially anticipated.


SHA-256 is a cryptographic technique developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2001 that converts data into a 256 character encrypted string. unless the recipient has the appropriate key to decrypt the message.

These decryption keys consist of complex mathematical strings associated with similar SHA-256 hashes. This makes it impossible to decrypt encrypted messages without the correct key.

Researchers have created a potentially dangerous new encryption-breaking quantum algorithm.

The time required to crack an RSA-2048-bit encryption key using today’s most powerful native computing resources. Predicted to take more than 300 trillion years, 300 trillion seems like a nice and safe number that no one has to worry about.

That is until quantum computers were used in the picture. According to crypto and quantum scientists A decently sized quantum computer can accomplish the same algorithmic destructive task in less than eight hours. This is where Guili’s equations sound the alarm.

Assuming that the SQIF method effectively scales and reduces the quantum computing resources required to perform the computations. in that case The time it takes for quantum technologies to develop enough for computing could be reduced from a few decades to a few years.


With 433 qubits, IBM’s Osprey is the world’s largest quantum processor. According to the company’s quantum strategy The company intends to explore large-scale processors with capacities ranging from 1,100 qubits in 2023 to more than 4,100 qubits in 2025.

On the other hand, the SQIF method claims to be able to reduce the possible required scaling of quantum computers down to 372 qubits. Tsinghua’s team has yet to demonstrate its ability to break the 2048-bit encryption barrier.

However, they proved the feasibility of SQIF by breaking the 48-bit encryption key with a tiny 10-qubit superconducting quantum computer. But it’s a development that security and cryptography experts will keep an eye out for.

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