During early fall 2022, Jojo’s All Star Battle R, a new fighting game set in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure universe, will be released on PlayStation 4/PS5.
Today during the State of Play presentation for March 2022, the news was announced. Upon release of the game, 50 playable characters from different arcs of the manga will be available to use.
In a PlayStation blog post shortly after the reveal, the company disclosed that All Star Battle R is essentially the same fighting system as Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle. In addition, All Star Battle R will feature new audio based on the voice actors who are featured in Part 6 of the anime. The new game is said to “reinvigorate the experience with changes to the fight tempo and addition of hit-stops and jump dashes.”.
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Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R Images
You can choose between the All Star Battle Mode, Arcade Mode, Online Mode, Versus Mode, Practice Mode, and Gallery Mode of the game.
There have also been a number of video games based on Hirohiko Araki’s manga series in addition to the popular anime series. In 1993, there was a RPG made specifically for the Super Famicam, but unfortunately it never made it outside of Japan.
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As its debut in the fighting genre in 1998, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure was released for arcades and the original PlayStation. The following year, Heritage for the Future was released, which improved on this title.
It came out this year, but the battle royale game was limited to an arcade release, so the most recent Jojo game, Last Survivor, is still available in arcades today.
The original story as well as the anime celebrating their 10th anniversary this year marks the 35th anniversary of each. Last December, the most recent arc of Stone Ocean, the anime series, hit Netflix and was rated a 10/10 by IGN.