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How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise at Home: 62 Proven Tips

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How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise at Home 62 Proven Tips

Lose Weight isn’t easy, as anyone who has tried knows. It can be pretty easy to gain weight, but it can be very hard to lose weight.

You’ve come to the right place if you want to lose weight without working out. Ideal You is a safe and effective way to lose weight that doesn’t slow down your metabolism or force you to do hard workouts. We will show you how to lose weight without going to the gym. Here are some of the best ways to lose weight that don’t involve going to the gym. There are more than 60 different ways to lose weight without going to the gym.

60 + Proven Ways To Lose Weight Without Working Out at Home

1. Don’t rush

In the human body, there are many complex mechanisms that can be difficult to understand. As an example, our brains require time to process the fact that we have eaten enough. If you eat quickly, your brain may not have the time to signal that you have reached your fullness before you consume far more calories than you need.

In recent studies, it has been demonstrated that chewing your food thoroughly and taking your time with your meals contributes to a reduction in food intake and an increase in fullness. Therefore, slow eating can help you lose weight since you tend to consume fewer calories. A person who consumes food rapidly is much more likely to gain weight than a person who consumes food slowly.

What is the conclusion? Count the number of times that you chew each bite if you intend to lose weight by chewing slowly. Despite eating far less than you normally do, you may be surprised by how full you will feel.

2. Consume a lot of protein

Consume a lot of protein

Consume a lot of protein

Protein is a powerful nutrient. The benefits of this supplement include not only its importance to our health but also its ability to enhance feelings of fullness and reduce hunger. The consumption of protein can therefore lead to a reduction in calories, which in turn will lead to a decrease in weight.

In studies, participants who increased their protein intake from 15% to 30% lost an average of 11 pounds over the course of 12 weeks without restricting any foods or exercising. It is therefore advisable to increase your protein intake if you wish to lose weight without exercising or strictly following a diet plan. Instead of breakfast cereals, try eating eggs for breakfast, or snacking on almonds throughout the day.

3. Eat Lots of Fiber

Our bodies benefit greatly from fiber. The benefits of this supplement include reducing the risk of certain types of cancer as well as helping you to feel fuller. As a result of its viscous nature, viscous fiber, which can be found in plants, forms a gel when it is contacted with water. By using this gel, you will be able to absorb more nutrients, and the stomach will be emptied more quickly.

Consequently, if you wish to lose weight, you should consume a diet that is high in fiber. Beans, asparagus, oranges, and apples are some examples of foods high in fiber.

4. For foods that contain a high number of calories, use a smaller plate

There has been a significant increase in the size of our plates in recent years. The use of large plates can lead to the perception that our portions are smaller than they actually are – which may result in weight gain. In contrast, smaller plates make our portions appear larger, which can lead our minds to believe we are eating more than we actually are.

Weight loss is influenced by our brains. Think about how you plate your food if you would like to lose a few pounds (or more). It is possible to be satisfied with a smaller amount of food if you choose dishes that are smaller than average.

SEE ALSO: What Foods Go Straight To Your Bum?

5. Keep an eye on your portion size

In the United States, out-of-control portion sizes are one of the main causes of weight gain. Whenever we are served (or serve ourselves) large quantities of food, we are more likely to consume foods beyond the point of fullness. A person may gain weight and become obese as a result of this.

It can be very helpful to reduce your portion size if you wish to lose weight without exercising. You can reduce calories and lose weight by taking this simple step along with eating slowly and drinking plenty of water.

SEE ALSO: Top Seven Healthy Food for Brunch

6. Water is an important part of your diet

Water is an important part of your diet

Losing weight requires staying hydrated. Dehydration is often mistaken for hunger, and many people eat when they are thirsty instead of drinking. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will prevent you from becoming dehydrated.

It has also been found that drinking water, particularly before eating, can help you to consume fewer calories. The consumption of a large glass of water prior to eating will typically result in a reduced calorie intake. Using water as a substitute for sugary beverages will result in greater weight loss.

n the modern world, drinking water is not the only way to keep your body hydrated. Many people simply don’t like the taste of water, so alternative ways have been created. One of the most popular hydration methods is IV therapy.  During IV therapy patients take IV fluids full of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes.

IV fluids hydrate your body, boost your immune system and help to gain back the lost energy. Many IV therapies offer personalized packages, meaning a package made for you based on your needs. For example, before creating a package IV therapy in OKC conducts online consultation with RN’s and patients, and only after that offers a customized package, designed for individual use.

7. Avoid eating unhealthy foods

Avoid eating unhealthy foods

Avoid eating unhealthy foods

We must admit that most of us find it difficult to resist eating unhealthy food if we are in the presence of sweets, snacks, and other unhealthy foods. When trying to lose weight, that can pose a problem. It may be necessary to keep these foods around for other family members, guests, or a variety of other reasons in certain circumstances.

Keeping these foods out of your reach will help you avoid temptation. In the event that you leave chips and cookies on the counter, you may reach for them when you are hungry or if you want a snack. You are more likely to make a healthy choice if you keep a bowl of fruit on your counter rather than a snack bar.

8. Eat mindfully

We are often tempted to multitask in our busy lives. When you are watching television, you may be eating lunch at your desk, or scrolling through your phone while watching the news. If you are distracted when you eat, it is likely that you will eat a lot more than you need. This is despite the fact that doing several things at once can often result in greater efficiency. Practicing mindful eating has been found to result in greater weight loss.

Consider eating without distractions such as watching TV, working, or using your phone while snacking. When you are eating, pay attention to the signals sent by your body. As a result, you will be able to consume much less food while still feeling satisfied.

9. Stress reduction

Yoga can reduce stress and aid weight loss.

Yoga can reduce stress and aid weight loss.

It can be extremely stressful to live during a pandemic, particularly during the early stages. Nonetheless, stress causes our bodies to produce more cortisol. Your appetite and desire for unhealthy foods may be affected by increases in cortisol. Therefore, stress can contribute to weight gain. As a result, you can reduce your weight without exercising if you reduce your stress levels.

Losing weight may be easier if you are able to manage your stress in a more effective manner. The practice of meditation and therapy can help you reduce your stress levels. Practicing deep breathing techniques or writing in a journal are other alternatives.

10. Sleep enough

Sleep enough

Sleep enough

Our body produces certain hormones that regulate our appetite when we do not get enough sleep. It is possible to experience increased hunger and crave unhealthy, high-calorie foods when you do not get enough sleep, or you get poor sleep. In order to lose weight, it is imperative that you get sufficient sleep each night. You will be able to achieve your weight loss goals if you get a good night’s sleep.

11. Stay away from sugar

There can be no denying the fact that sugar is delicious. The consumption of too much sugar, however, can be harmful to our health, causing weight gain and increasing the risk of a variety of diseases, including diabetes.

It is common for us not to feel full after consuming sugary foods and drinks. In this case, we are likely to consume many more calories and gain weight as a result. A simple method of losing weight is to replace sugary drinks with water, such as soda and juices. In addition, you can reduce the amount of added sugars in your diet by limiting your consumption of desserts and purchasing lower-sugar versions of your favorite foods.

12. Consider using red plates

It may seem strange to suggest using red plates, but research has shown that doing so can significantly reduce the intake of calories. Despite the fact that we do not know exactly why this technique works, it seems to encourage people to consume fewer unhealthy snacks – perhaps because the color red is associated with the word stop. The next time you have red plates at home, try serving high-calorie foods on them and observe the results.

13. Get Cooking

It is often easier to get takeout, go to a restaurant, or stop at the drive-thru rather than prepare a complete meal from scratch. Although these meals are delicious, they are often high in calories and fat, which explains why eating out so frequently can contribute to obesity.

You can control what goes into your meals when you prepare them at home. Furthermore, you may enjoy cooking and making sure that your diet includes plenty of fresh, healthy foods. You can lose weight by cooking more meals at home, regardless of whether you are an experienced or novice cook.

14. Keep a food diary

In order to achieve weight loss success, accountability is essential. Keeping a journal of what you eat and when you eat is one way to stay accountable. Thus, you will be able to identify when you are more likely to fall off the wagon and track your food intake accordingly. Several apps are available for recording food intake, or you can use pen and paper.

15. Keep a regular weight record

You can determine whether you are progressing with weight loss – or slipping backward into weight gain – by knowing your weight. It is important to weigh yourself regularly so that you know if you are gaining or losing weight. Weighing yourself too frequently (since your weight fluctuates throughout the day) can be counterproductive. Your food journal can include information regarding your weight on a daily basis.

A diet adjustment may be necessary if you notice a weight gain. It will motivate you to continue your diet plan if you see a reduction in weight.

16. Watch Snacking

The majority of us enjoy snacking, whether we pack snacks for a road trip, keep something stashed in our desk drawer at work, or watch a movie with popcorn. Keeping track of how much we consume while snacking can be difficult.

You can maintain your metabolism by eating healthy snacks throughout the day. In order to keep the portions under control, it is important to account for those snacks.

17. Avoid Fad Diets

When you’re trying to lose weight, it can be hard to resist the temptation of diets that promise fast weight loss by drinking a few shakes a day, or drinking only hot water with lemon and cayenne pepper. These types of diets may result in weight loss, but they are not sustainable.

It is possible to damage your metabolism by doing fad diets over time. As a result, losing weight will be harder in the long run. The juice cleanse, cabbage soup diet, and other unhealthy diets should be avoided if you are serious about losing weight.

18. Gut health is important

Gut health is important

Gut health is important

There is a great deal of complexity and uncertainty surrounding the science of weight loss. There is growing evidence that obesity has something to do with an imbalance in bacteria in our gut. Probiotics and fermented foods can help you control these issues by boosting your gut health.

Probiotics are also naturally found in many fermented foods, such as:

  • yogurt
  • kimchi
  • sauerkraut
  • kefir
  • miso
  • tempeh
  • kombucha

19. Vitamin D is essential

Vitamin D levels in the blood of heavier people tend to be lower than those in lighter people, despite the fact that scientists aren’t exactly sure how they relate to weight loss. Vitamin D levels tend to increase in people who lose weight.

Supplements, sun exposure, and eating foods rich in Vitamin D can help you boost your Vitamin D levels. This can also help you lose weight and strengthen your bones.

20. Don’t be afraid to share your meals

It is proven that we eat healthier when we eat with people we love – friends or family. During the COVID-19 pandemic, you might not be able to eat with your whole family, but you can still eat with people in your circle. This will help you focus on your company instead of your food, and help you make better choices.

21. Ensure your success by preparing

When it comes to weight loss, the old saying holds true: “failure to prepare is preparation for failure.”

You can lose weight by preparing your meals in advance and having a variety of healthy options at your disposal. Without good options, it’s easy to pick up an unhealthy takeout meal or order a pizza. Keep your weight under control by preparing easy meals that are easy to prepare.

22. Consume healthy fats

Diet communities used to hate fat. Certain types of fat have been discovered to be beneficial to our bodies more recently. We can absorb more nutrients from our food when we consume these so-called good fats, such as those found in fish, nuts, avocados, and olive oil. It may be possible to lose more weight by adding a moderate amount of healthy fats to your diet.

23. Take a closer look at your morning coffee

Despite Starbucks being on every corner, it is all too easy to unwittingly consume 500 calories or more with your morning coffee. Consider switching to a cup of coffee (without added sweeteners) at home instead of a latte on your way to work. The money and calories you save over time could be enormous.

24. Choosing the right oil is important

Inflammation and weight gain are associated with certain kinds of vegetable oils high in omega-6 fatty acids. Choose extra virgin olive oil instead of canola or soybean oil if you want to lose weight.

25. Always carry a water bottle with you

You can lose weight by drinking lots of water, as we mentioned above. Carrying a water bottle with you on your day is an easy way to make sure you do this. Now that there are so many stylish water bottles that can keep your beverage cold for hours, staying hydrated has never been easier. You’ll also be more likely to drink water rather than coffee, soda, or other high-calorie drinks if you have a water bottle with you.

26. Make sure you have a healthy snack on hand

We all lead busy lives, and many of us spend the majority of our days juggling multiple tasks. There aren’t always healthy snacks and meals available when you’re out and about. Carrying a healthy snack with you can help you avoid that situation. Avoid consuming high-calorie fast food or restaurant meals by keeping a pack of almonds or a protein bar on hand.

27. Dairy products without fat should be avoided

The consumption of low-fat or no-fat foods was once associated with weight loss and health. In order to make foods taste good, manufacturers often add sugar and other artificial ingredients when they remove fat from them.

It may be possible to lose weight by switching from fat-free dairy to 2% dairy. By avoiding added sugars and other ingredients, you’ll save money. The fat in milk, yogurt, and cheese will also make you feel fuller for longer.

28. Take a Meatless Break (Sometimes)

Many cuts of meat contain high levels of unhealthy fats, but meat contains protein, which can help keep you full for longer. Take one or two meatless meals per week if you are trying to lose weight. A veggie-packed lunch or dinner may help you lose weight as well as boost your fiber intake.

29. Keep your freezer stocked

Every one of us has been in a situation where he or she doesn’t have the energy or time to cook or go to the store. Many of us may order delivery when we’re trying to lose weight, which is fine if we’re treating ourselves. Rather than that, make sure your freezer is stocked with healthy meals (such as extra portions of soup), frozen vegetables, and pre-portioned proteins. This way, you won’t have to run to the store or spend hours cooking to get dinner on the table.

30. Your Kitchen Should Be Filled with Healthy Foods

To avoid temptation, we discussed putting unhealthy foods in a harder-to-access place in your kitchens, such as sweets and salty snacks. To increase the likelihood that you will choose healthy foods instead of unhealthy foods, you should place them in easy-to-reach locations.

The quinoa and bulgar will be easier to find if they’re near the front of your pantry than hidden in the back if you’re trying to eat more whole grains. Organize your kitchen to make it as convenient as possible to access healthy foods.

31. Cooking for Appearances’ Sake

Taking photos of your food to post on social media is becoming more popular, which might be a bit of an annoyance to the person sitting next to you. However, when you intend to take a photo of your creation, you are more likely to include nutritious ingredients. For those who struggle to get their lunch down, a well-presented dish may help boost their appetite. Spend the additional time making your meal look great, take a photo of it, and you’ll lose weight faster.

32. Prepare Vegetables for Snacks and Meals with Minimal Effort

Successful weight loss might be challenging when you don’t have enough time to prepare nutritious meals. One method to avoid this is to have a ready supply of raw vegetables on hand.

When you come home from the market, you may wash and cut the veggies you bought. Thus, you can substitute celery for pretzels and always have carrots on hand for cooking. You can lose weight if you devote some time each week to doing these things.

33. Make Sure You Have Your Lunch Ready

Going out to a restaurant for lunch might serve as a welcome diversion from the monotony of the office and a chance to chat with coworkers. Despite this, many restaurant meals are heavy in calories and bad fats. Pack a nutritious lunch with lean proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables to save money and shed unwanted pounds.

34. Enjoy your lunch break

After you’ve prepared your lunch for the day, why not add some downtime to your routine? Eating lunch at your desk or even in the break room at work doesn’t provide you a chance to relax your mind or body from the stresses of the day.

Instead, go to a green area or park close to your workplace. Bring your lunch there on nice days and spend time people-watching, listening to music or a podcast, or just relaxing.

35. Don’t eat at your desk!

Snacks or candy bowls on desks are commonplace in many offices. Even if you aren’t hungry, the availability of unhealthy foods might tempt you to snack on them. As a precaution, try not to let any office snacks within your line of sight. Rather, store nutritious food out of sight, such as in a desk drawer. When something is out of sight, it’s out of memory.

36. Limit your intake of alcoholic beverages.

After a busy day, many of us look forward to relaxing with a glass of wine, beer, or a mixed cocktail. Moderate alcohol use has health benefits, especially from red wine, but it may also cause weight gain if consumed often. Alcohol is calorically dense yet nutritionally empty. You may reduce weight and save calories by not drinking at all or drinking much less.

37. Pick Your Battles Carefully

The restaurant experience often contains hidden traps. Vegetables and other apparently nutritious foods are routinely prepared with excessive amounts of salt and butter. A healthful dish might come with a high-calorie accompaniment. In lieu of fries, mashed potatoes, or any other unhealthy alternative, make salad your go-to side dish. With this strategy, you may reduce your calorie intake without sacrificing your enjoyment of the main course.

38. Inquire about Taking Half With You

This is a tried and true method for saving money while dining out. The Cheesecake Factory isn’t the only eatery whose serving proportions have gotten out of hand (which is well-known for its massive, overly full plates of food). If you want to eat out without feeling obligated to finish everything on your plate, tackle the issue head-on by asking for half of your meal to be packaged up to go.

39. To refuse to accept service from others.

It’s not always easy to trust that someone else will give you a reasonable serving size when they’re the one making your plate or cutting your slice of cake. If you serve yourself at social events, you can control how much you eat. That way, you may be sure to acquire a plate with the ideal serving size.

40. Discover Delicious New Dishes

It’s simple to get into a routine when it comes to the kitchen and to depend on tried-and-true comfort foods. Although it’s OK to treat yourself to a plate of mac & cheese every once in a while, if you eat it too often, you may never venture out to try something new and healthier. Look on the internet and in cookbooks for some inspiration for light, healthful meals you may make tonight.

41. Try to Avoid So-Called “Diet” Foods

These days, it’s not hard to find “diet” meals that promise a quick and painless method to decrease calories. And yet, many of these goods, like diet Coke, are packed with artificial sweeteners, which may actually make you desire sweets despite the fact that they contain no sugar at all. You may be able to lose weight if you avoid diet items and eat just complete, natural meals instead.

42. Consider attempting a strict elimination diet.

Gluten and dairy are two common allergens that cause reactions in many individuals. Bloating, discomfort and even weight gain may occur if you have a dietary intolerance or allergy. Think about trying an exclusion diet if you notice that a specific meal triggers unpleasant symptoms after consumption. The elimination of some foods from your diet may help you feel better and possibly help you lose weight.

43. Keep to a Schedule

It has been said that “if it ain’t broke, don’t repair it.” Keeping to a diet plan that you are familiar with is OK. The week’s worth of food may be prepared on a Sunday, or at least the same breakfast and snacks can be had each day. Keeping a well-stocked refrigerator might help you make better meal choices, especially when you’re in a rush.

44. Go Outside and Play

Put on the pounds because of stress? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, down, or exhausted, a walk in the fresh air may be exactly what the doctor ordered. You may take a stroll, go on a trek, or just relax in a park. The simple act of spending time outside has been shown to have positive effects on both mental and emotional well-being.

45. Don’t eat together as a family

Many of us are used to having everything for supper laid out on the table and serving ourselves. Having everything laid out in one place on the table is certainly more time-efficient than serving everyone their own food. It may make you question how hungry you really are if you have to get up and head to the kitchen for a second helping.

46. The Bread Basket Is Off Limits.

The waitress at many restaurants may deliver a basket of rolls or chips and salsa to your table before your meal. When you go into a restaurant starving, it’s hard to resist the temptation to dive right in. Unfortunately, complimentary appetizers of this kind tend to be hefty in both calories and volume. In its place, you should either order a salad as an appetizer when dining out or have a modest, protein-rich snack before going out to dinner.

47. Tend the Fire

This may seem like an odd piece of advice as we approach winter and everyone wants a warm, comfortable home. However, keeping your home at a slightly colder temperature might aid in weight loss. Why? Because keeping your body temperature down forces it to expend more energy, which might lead to weight loss.

48. To snack healthily, try some nuts.

Actually, squirrels do know what they’re doing. Nuts are fantastic because they include protein, healthy fats, and fiber, all of which keep you feeling full for longer than you would with just protein or healthy fats alone. A word of caution, though: nuts are often higher in calories, so it’s important to monitor how much you consume.

49. A Good Way to Begin the Day

Your body will have been in a state of fasting for 8-12 hours or more when you first awake in the morning. If you’re watching your weight, you may feel compelled to skip breakfast altogether. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that this strategy often fails. Rather, you should prioritize a hearty breakfast, preferably one that includes eggs. Gaining weight reduction success from eating less during the day is a direct result of eating a larger breakfast.

50. Be sure to start your day off well by eating breakfast.

Some people believe that missing meals may aid in weight loss. Skipping breakfast is tempting if you’re in a rush in the morning or if you just dislike breakfast items. If you skip breakfast, you may overeat later in the day, especially at dinner, which may lead to weight gain. One certain way to speed up your weight reduction is to start each day with a hearty meal.

51. Be mindful of the food you put in your mouth.

The typical American diet consists mostly of meat and carbohydrates and relatively few servings of fruits and vegetables. Altering your diet is a good way to speed up weight loss. Imagine a line down the middle of your plate. It’s recommended that you eat two-thirds of your plate full of lean protein and veggies and the other third full of complete carbohydrates.

52. Drink Tea

Although tea consumption is lower in the United States than coffee consumption, you shouldn’t discount this healthy beverage. It’s true that drinking tea, namely cinnamon and mint teas, may aid in weight loss. Both mint and cinnamon have been shown to reduce food intake and insulin levels, respectively. There’s some evidence that drinking peppermint tea may aid with fat digestion. The key is to avoid adding any sugar to your drink.

53. You may lose weight quickly and easily by making a few simple changes to your diet.

Few things can compare to a huge dish of spaghetti. However, the calorie count in a typical serving of spaghetti or other types of pasta is rather high. Eat spaghetti squash or zucchini noodles instead of pasta. These substitutions will help you reduce your calorie intake and increase your vegetable consumption simultaneously.

54. Use a Lime Juice Splash

You should keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Adding lemon to your drink might help you lose weight. Vitamin C, flavonoids, and pectin are just some of the compounds in lemons that have been shown to help with stress relief and weight reduction. As a bonus, it makes your drink taste better and helps you feel less parched.

55. Eating Snacks Strategically

If you snack on the correct foods at the proper times, you may significantly boost your metabolism. If you want to lose weight, you should have snacks in the afternoon. Breakfast snackers, as opposed to afternoon snackers, consume more calories throughout the rest of the day, according to research.

56. Consuming calories via liquid means is not recommended.

It’s easy to rationalise having a soda at lunch, a beer at night, or a glass of juice first thing in the morning. All of these beverages are high in calories, yet they won’t keep you full. You may fill up and feel energised by eating something nutritious instead of drinking your calories.

57. Hold That Thought

One reason so many of us have trouble maintaining a healthy weight is because we often snack on food when we’re not genuinely hungry. When we’re bored, we eat potato chips; when we’re sad, we seek out ice cream; and when we’re stressed out at work, we stop at a drive-thru. Even though this is a fairly typical method of dealing with stress, it’s not a particularly healthy one. Therefore, it is recommended that you take a moment to assess your mental and physical health prior to eating. Examine your motivations for eating and determine if you are truly hungry or just using food as a coping mechanism.

58. Learn Some Nutrition Facts

However, few of us have a firm grasp on the fundamentals of healthy eating. In a positive turn of events, formal education is not required to acquire knowledge on how to care for one’s body properly. The next step up from reading labels is something as easy as tuning into your internal cues. Consuming a handful of gummy bears to perk yourself up during a midday slump may work in the short term, but how does your body feel afterwards? Start by considering what makes you happy.

59. Get into the habit of preparing meals.

Making a lot of food in advance may not seem like a lot of fun. Pre-portioned meals, on the other hand, may help you stick to your plan and make healthy eating a breeze. Invest some effort in learning new recipes, and then set aside some time each week to ensure you always have a variety of alternatives available.

60. Put Together a Calm Setting For Meals

Bright, noisy restaurants have been linked to increased food intake. To help you consume less food, dim the lighting and turn down the volume during meals.

61. You Should Consult Your Doctor If You’ve Been Gaining Weight

Medical issues might cause weight gain in certain people. Getting a checkup or physical may be in order if you’ve put on weight for no apparent reason or have been unable to shed the pounds. Possible medical issues that have contributed to your weight gain or made it hard for you to lose weight include:

62. Use a Weight Loss App to Keep Tabs on Your Calories

It’s important to watch what you eat, and counting calories is one method of doing so, even if it can seem old-fashioned and boring. Many calorie-tracking applications have made it simpler than ever before to keep track of your food intake. Find one that works for you, and start keeping tabs.


Salman Ahmad is a seasoned writer for CTN News, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the platform. With a knack for concise yet impactful storytelling, he crafts articles that captivate readers and provide valuable insights. Ahmad's writing style strikes a balance between casual and professional, making complex topics accessible without compromising depth.

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