On Thursday, a British executive was arrested at Suvarnabhumi airport, accused of luring people to buy into a foreign investment fund and refusing payment after the contracts expired, causing over $1 million in damages.
Mark Edward Kirkham, 57, a British national, was arrested at the airport by Economic Crime Suppression Division (ECD) officers.
Mr. Kirkham was arrested on a warrant issued by the Bangkok South Criminal Court on December 22, 2021, for conspiracy to operate a securities business without permission or registration, in violation of Section 90 of Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Act, according to the Central Investigation Bureau.
Investors filed complaints with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which led to his arrest.
M Kirkham served as the CEO of PFS International Consultants Company.
According to the investment contracts, he allegedly convinced clients to invest in a foreign investment fund with promised 7-11% returns.
The complainants stated they could not redeem their investment funds when the contracts expired. This resulted in over US$1 million in damages. Later, the company ceased operations.
Thursday, Mr. Kirkham returned to Thailand via Suvarnabhumi Airport, where police investigators arrested him.
He was turned over to the Economic Crime Division for legal action after denying all charges.
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