Chiang Rai Park officials have announced that the Tham Luang cave complex in Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai district, will reopen on Friday. Tham Luang cave complex became famous after the rescue of 12 young players and their coach were rescued from the cave in July 2018
Tham Luang cave complex in Khun Nam Nang Non forest park is located in Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai district. It was closed to the public on April 19, 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Khun Nam Nang Non forest park chief, Kawee Prasompon said that when the park is reopened, visitors will be able to walk along a newly extended trail inside Tham Luang cave. Cave visitors can now see the underground chamber that was used by divers in the dramatic rescue in 2018.
The cave chamber is located about 200 metres from the entrance to the cave. Park chief, Kaweeis said it’s the only cave in the cave complex accessible to the public. Deeper caves in the complex are off-limits to tourists, he said.
Vaccinated cave visitors only
The chamber where the young footballers and their coach were trapped, is actually located over 2 kilometres from the entrance to the cave. Park chief, KaweeIt said it would take days for visitors to walk there and the trek is far too dangerous.
Due to health and safety concerns park officials have limited cave visitors to a maximum of 40 people at any given time. Park chief, KaweeIt said the parks board was following public health guidelines to above all, ensure carbon dioxide does not build up in the cave system, which could become a health danger to visitors.
Visitors will also be given flashlights and colour cards prior to entering the Tham Luang cave complex.
Furthermore, cave visitors must be fully vaccinated or have passed a required Covid-19 test before entering the national park, Park chief, Kawee said.
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